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DOI: 10.15507/2658-4123.029.201904.594-613


The Experimental Determination of Optimum Parameters of the Equipment for Processing Grain in Preparation for Grinding


Alexander V. Anisimov
Associate Professor of Chair of Technology of Production and Processing of Livestock Products, Saratov State Agrarian University (1 Theatre Sq., Saratov 410012, Russia), Ph.D. (Engineering), ResearcherID: E-7817-2018, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5313-6329, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Felix Ya. Rudik
Professor of Chair of Technologies of Food Products, Saratov State Agrarian University (1 Theatre Sq., Saratov 410012, Russia), D.Sc. (Engineering), ResearcherID: E-8546-2018, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8444-0115, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Introduction. Modern technology of grain processing pays special attention to the qualitative and efficient preparation of grain for milling. At small enterprises with a reduced technological process, this is almost the only way to improve product yield and quality. Without proper multi-stage preparation of grain for milling at small enterprises, it is impossible to achieve the required quality and quantity of products produced by industrial mills. Grain peeling is one of the most effective ways to clean the surface from dirt and remove outer shells. The removal of outer shells allows increasing the yield of high-grade flour at reduced milling diagrams. The efficiency of the peeling process is significantly infuencet by the design and operating parameters of the peeling machine. The purpose of this work is the experimental determination of optimal conditions for grain processing in the peeling and drying machine (the optimal combination of factors).
Materials and Methods. To determine optimal conditions for grain processing in the peeling and drying machine, the method of extreme planning of the experiment was applied. The method of random balance was used to select the most significant factors based on their influence on the optimization parameter. The method of steep ascent on the response surface (the Box – Wilson method) was used to find the optimum area (the planning matrix was realized and statistical analysis of results and steep ascent on the response surface was carried out). Verification of the results was carried out on the software Statistica 10.0.
Results. On the basis of experiments, a mathematical model of the technological process of wheat processing in the peeling and drying machine there were obtained, which linked the structural and mode parameters of the machine with the humidity of the treated grain. The results of the experiment confirmed the operability of the developed machine when working with high-humidity grain; they are fundamental for the machine’s further modernization.
Discussion and Conclusion The analysis of the controlled factor dispersion diagram allowed us to select the most significant of them based on influence on the selected optimization parameter, the white flour color obtained from the treated grain. As a result of the evaluation of experimental data of the conducted studies, the design and mode parameters of the developed machine were determined, corresponding to the areas of the optimal optimization parameter: shaft rotation speed is 1400 rpm, angle of inclination of stamping on the sieve drum is 15 degrees, the initial moisture content of the processed grain is 15.50%, and the machine productivity does not exceed 700 kg/h.

Keywords: peeling, whiteness, humidity, drying, hydrothermal treatment, experiment planning, dispersion diagram

For citation: Anisimov A.V., Rudik F.Ya. The Experimental Determination of Optimum Parameters of the Equipment for Processing Grain in Preparation for Grinding. Inzhenerernyye tekhnologii i sistemy = Engineering Technologies and Systems. 2019; 29(4):594-613. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15507/2658-4123.029.201904.594-613

Contribution of the authors: A.V. Anisimov – writing the draft, reviewing, carried out the research, analyzed the research results, editing, visualizating the results; F. Ya. Rudik – scientific supervision, analysis, revision of the draft.

All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

Received 06.11.2018; revised 18.09.2019; published online 31.12.2019



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