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DOI: 10.15507/0236-2910.027.201704.607-619


Installation Design Capacity for Finish Treatment of Complex Profile Medium Size Parts by Unsupported Abrasive

Vladimir A. Skryabin
Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chair, Mechanical Engineering and Transport Faculty, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya St., Penza 440000, Russia), Dr.Sci. (Engineering), ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7156-9198, vs_51@list.ru

Ilya K. Kramcheninov
Master’s Degree Student, Mechanical Engineering Chair, Mechanical Engineering and Transport Faculty, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya St., Penza 440000, Russia), ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3082-8135, kram4eninov@mail.ru

Introduction: The paper describes solutions of the problem raised during treating the turbine wheel of a turbocharger. The treatment of a complex surface with a hard grinding wheel requires a lot of time. This method does not provide the required quality because of the inaccessibility of some parts of the turbine blades. The problem is solved by polishing with loose abrasive grains. The abrasive medium is compressed with compressed air through a special device.
Materials and Methods: The SolidWorks 2016 software was used to design the tool. The design of the part for determining actual loads and deflections was calculated taking into account the comparison of the operating parameters with the permissible values.
Results: The main parameters of the part tratment are the pressure of the loose abrasive on the working surfaces of the blades and the speed of rotation of the part on the mandrel of the installation (cutting speed). During treating, the part experiences significant static and dynamic loads. The tension can lead to inadmissible deflection of the mandrel to secure the part, uneven treatment of its complex surfaces and defects. The performed calculations showed that in polishing the surfaces of parts of a complex, load profile and deflections on the workpiece and the mandrel are within the permissible values.
Discussion and Conclusions: The presented method provides stable qualitative and productive treatment of the complex surfaces. The findings from this study contribute to the current technology of metal processing.

Keywords: theoretical study, complex detail surface, loose abrasive particles, capacity, quality indicator, equipment design, automation of design calculations

For citation: Skryabin V. А., Kramcheninov I. K. Installation Design Capacity for Finish Treatment of Complex Profile Medium Size Parts by Unsupported Abrasive. Vestnik Mordovskogo universiteta = Mordovia University Bulletin. 2017; 27(4):607–619. DOI: 10.15507/0236-2910.027.201704.607-619


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