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DOI: 10.15507/2658-4123.034.202404.563-583


Effect of Animal and Poultry Manure Processing Technologies on Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Aleksandr Yu. Briukhanov
Dr.Sci. (Eng.), Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Director, Institute for Engineering and Environmental Problems in Agricultural Production – branch of FSAC VIM (3 Filtrovskoje Shosse, Tiarlevo, St. Petersburg 196634, Russian Federation), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4963-3821, Researcher ID: B-7550-2018, Scopus ID: 57190026573, SPIN-code: 8932-5083, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Anna A. Romanovskaya
Dr.Sci. (Biol.), Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Director, Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Israel (20B Glebovskaya St., Moscow 107258, Russian Federation), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-8943-170X, Researcher ID: J-8166-2013, Scopus ID: 6603121727, SPIN-code: 3370-6390, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ekaterina V. Shalavina
Cand.Sc. (Eng.), Senior Researcher of the Department of Analysis and Forecasting of Environmental Sustainability of Agroecosystems, Institute for Engineering and Environmental Problems in Agricultural Production – branch of FSAC VIM (3 Filtrovskoje Shosse, Tiarlevo, St. Petersburg 196634, Russian Federation), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7345-1510, Researcher ID: C-1980-2018, Scopus ID: 57190026700, SPIN-code: 4075-6888, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Eduard V. Vasilev
Cand. Sc. (Eng.), Leading Researcher of the Department of Analysis and Forecasting of Environmental Sustainability of Agroecosystems, Institute for Engineering and Environmental Problems in Agricultural Production – branch of FSAC VIM (3 Filtrovskoje Shosse, Tiarlevo, St. Petersburg 196634, Russian Federation), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5910-5793, Researcher ID: C-1304-2018, Scopus ID: 57190024035, SPIN-code: 9810-9439, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Victoria Yu. Vertyankina
Researcher of the Department of Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in Natural and Human-Disturbed Ecosystems, Institute of Global Climate and Ecology named after Academician Yu.A. Israel (20B Glebovskaya St., Moscow 107258, Russian Federation), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3934-7872, Researcher ID: Y-8301-2018, SPIN-code: 6487-8721, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Introduction. The agricultural sector is one of the most important sources of anthropogenic emissions. The correct accounting of greenhouse gas emissions in this sector depends on technologies used to process animal/poultry manure. To date, there is a lack of research to adjust the methane and nitrous oxide emissions from existing animal/poultry manure storages, because of the variety of technologies used. This is why the methodological approach developed to estimate the annual emissions of methane and nitrous oxide is so important.
Aim of the Study. The study is aimed at determining the impact of manure and litter processing technologies on annual emissions of methane and nitrous oxide.
Materials and Methods. To determine the emission of nitrous oxide and methane, there were calculated mass of animal/poultry manure and its total nitrogen and carbon content; there were analysed manure processing technologies such as long-term manure storing, passive and active composting, biofermentation, drying and granulation, incineration. There were performed calculations for two options: 1) according to the National Inventory of Anthropogenic Emissions, taking into account the share of manure processed with the use of each technology in 2022; 2) according to the actual data of technology distribution in 2022. The predictive estimate for the period up to 2030 was made for regions in the North-Western Federal District of the Russian Federation.
Results. The study analysed animal and poultry housing technologies at three types of enterprises: agricultural organizations, peasant (private) farms, and household farms. There was calculated the animal/poultry manure mass generated at each type of enterprises and determined the share of manure processed with the use of each technology. Based on the data of the North-Western Federal District, there were calculated methane and nitrous oxide emissions in 2022 in CO2-eq.
Discussion and Conclusion. There was estimated the effect of manure collection and storage technologies on methane and nitrous oxide emissions. The obtained data on emissions exceeded by 35.6% (methane) and 14.2% (nitrous oxide) those calculated by the methods used in National Inventory indicating their refinement expediency. Categorization of agricultural enterprises makes calculations simpler for regional and national assessments. The refined data on manure collection and storing technologies and the emissions specific for these technologies will help to perform prediction calculations and determine options for technological upgrading to mitigate GHG emissions.

Keywords: greenhouse gas emission, methane, nitrous oxide, livestock farming, animal/poultry manure processing technologies, nitrogen, carbon

Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Funding: The quantity and quality of animal/poultry manure for three types of farms with due account for applied technologies were determined using the databases developed by IEEP – branch of FSAC VIM. MS and MCF coefficients were refined within the framework of the Crucial Innovative Project of State Significance “Unified National System for Monitoring Climate-Active Substances” (Agreement 139-15-2023-004 dated 01.03.2023).

Acknowledgments: The authors express sincere thanks to anonymous reviewers for their time, effort, and valuable help in improving the manuscript.

For citation: Bryukhanov A.Yu., Romanovskaya A.A., Shalavina E.V., Vasilev E.V., Vertyankina V.Yu. Effect of Animal and Poultry Manure Processing Technologies on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Engineering Technologies and Systems. 2024;34(4):563–583. https://doi.org/10.15507/2658-4123.034.202404.563-583

Authors contribution:
A. Yu. Briukhanov – study concept and guidance.
A. A. Romanovskaya – methodology.
E. V. Shalavina – structure of the manuscript, calculations, comparison of results.
E.V. Vasilev – task setting, literature review.
V. Yu. Vertyankina – formal analysis.

Submitted 23.08.2024;
revised 06.09.2024;
accepted 12.09.2024



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