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DOI: 10.15507/2658-4123.032.202202.263-278


Theoretical Research of the Potato Harvester Lifting Plowshare to Reduce Yield Losses and Soil Erosion


Parviz I. Gadzhiev
Dean of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Technical Services, Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University (50 Shosse Entuziastov, Balashikha 143907, Russian Federation), Dr.Sci. (Engr.), Professor, ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6877-6126, Researcher ID: DNC-7890-2022, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Elena V. Shestakova
Acting Rector, Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University (50 Shosse Entuziastov, Balashikha 143907, Russian Federation), Cand.Sci. (Agric.), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5643-4930, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gyulbike G. Ramazanova
Associate Professor of the Chair of Environmental Engineering and Water Management, Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University (50 Shosse Entuziastov, Balashikha 143907, Russian Federation), Cand.Sci. (Engr.), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2758-9479, Researcher ID: CPQ-5874-2022, Scopus ID: 56072031000, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Introduction. The potato harvester operation quality depends not only on the design features, but also on the method for harvesting of potatoes. Cultivation of potatoes involves the implementation of a set of measures aimed at improving and preserving the quality of commercial products when harvesting of potatoes. In this regard, to reduce yield losses and prevent wind erosion of soil, a unit and method for harvesting of potatoes is proposed. To reduce the number of clods commensurate with the size of tubers, there are installed ripper tines ahead of the potato harvester tool. The aim of the work is to conduct a theoretical research of the tool of the potato harvester to reduce yield losses and soil erosion.
Materials and Methods. The lifting plowshare operation has been analyzed. Its angle to the horizon determines the least displacement of the lifting plowshare, the minimum resistance to the soil layer movement and optimal height of lifting soil mass. The optimal value of the plowshare inclination angle has been determined taking into account the condition that the back pressure of the soil layer should be minimal.
Results. There has been proposed a mathematical dependence for determining the optimal value of the angle of plowshare inclination, which determines the minimum value of the soil layer back pressure acting along the plowshare. As a result of the research, there have been plotted graphical dependences of the optimal value of the plowshare inclination angle on the coefficient of soil friction on the plowshare and dependences of the height of a soil layer lifting with the plowshare on the inclination angle optimal value at a fixed plowshare length.
Discussion and Conclusion. In carrying out the theoretical research of the potato harvester plowshare, the soil type and coefficient of a soil layer friction on the plowshare were taken into account. There has been determined the optimal angle of plowshare inclination to provide optimal breaking down of soil with minimum soil bulldozing, thus ensuring reduction in yield losses.

Keywords: soil separation, potato harvester, elevator, plowshare angle, layer back pressure, soil erosion

Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

For citation: Gadzhiev P.I., Shestakova E.V., Ramazanova G.G. Theoretical Research of the Potato Harvester Lifting Plowshare to Reduce Yield Losses and Soil Erosion. Engineering Technologies and Systems. 2022;32(2):263‒278. doi: https://doi.org/10.15507/2658-4123.032.202202.263-278

Contribution of the authors:
P. I. Gadzhiev – scientific guidance, formulation of the research task.
E. V. Shestakova – literature and patent data analysis, formulation of the main research concept.
G. G. Ramazanova – development of mathematical dependence, critical analysis of the obtained results.

All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

Submitted 20.01.2022; approved after reviewing 18.02.2022;
accepted for publication 03.03.2022



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