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DOI: 10.15507/VMU.024.201403.146



V. M. Volodin, I. А. Pitajkina

Volodin Viktor Mihajlovich, dean of Economics and Management faculty, Penza State University (Russia, Penza, 40 Krasnaja Str.), professor, Doctor of Science degree holder in Economics, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Pitajkina Inna Anatol’evna, Associate professor of Economic Theory and Global Economy chair, Penza State University (Russia, Penza, 40 Krasnaja Str.), Candidate of Science (PhD) degree holder in Economics, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Increased economic growth and access to the path of sustainable development of the Russian Federation depends on the growing globalization and increases the risks in different areas, such as economic, legal and political spheres on the global and national levels. Solution of this problem is possible through the use of “new development factors”: for example, high-quality vocational education, a flexible labor market, a favorable investment climate and modern technology. Consequently, a new step modernization of the Russian economy is only possible with GroWth welfare of the country. However, many federal programs of the Russian Federation aimed to improve the health and education of the country had a low social and economic efficiency. The aim of this research is to analyze the reasons of the low efficiency of social programs and find a way to solve these problems through the use of project-based approach. Novadays crisis problems of crisis in the world economy and politics are dominated by the neo-liberal paradigm of economic globalization. It came in conflict with the basic postulate of human civilization - the value of the person as an individual and his life in a whole. Securing the humanistic principles in economics gave impulse to the further development of the concepts of sustainable development and human capital. The article arguments the need to step up the new level of health and education in Russia, as the basic conditions for the formation of a new quality of human capital, which is the main potential for sustainable development. In that regard, the best way to meet the challenges it is adapted project-based approach in the implementation of social programs, because it laid the appropriate tools of forecasting and risk assessment of its financial, labor, time and other resource requirements, which help to avoid a negative result. In addition, if we will use system approach, we can introduce necessary corrective actions. Implementation of programs on the basis of these approaches is aimed at resolving the contradictions that emerged in contemporary Russian society, between economic efficiency and social equity under the conditions of limited resources.

Keywords: post-industrial society, human capital, health, education, project-based approach.


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