UDK 338.24.22(476)
DOI: 10.15507/VMU.024.201403.082
I. V. Mal’gina.
(Associate professor of Theory and Practice of Public Administration of Public Service Institute, The Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus (Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 17 Moskovskaja Str.), Candidate of Science (PhD) degree holder in Economics, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
The article describes the stages in the evolution of public administration of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Belarus, including the dynamics of development of small and medium-sized enterprises and regulatory support. The economic importance of small and medium enterprises in the economics of the Republic of Belarus is examined through steps, as well as the dynamics of the number of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, employment in micro, small and medium enterprises and individual entrepreneurs of the Republic of Belarus. The article also deals with the stages of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus in relation to small and medium business, the evolution of the classification criteria of small and medium businesses. The central place is occupied by analysis of the current state and prospects of forming an effective government to small and medium-sized enterprises in the economic conditions of the Republic of Belarus.
Keywords: small and medium enterprises, the economic importance of small and medium businesses, commercial banks, mutual credit societies, Program of Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus.
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