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DOI: 10.15507/VMU.025.201503.081 



Sharonova Yelena Aleksandrovna
(professor of chair of Russian and Foreign Literature of Ogarev Mordovia State University (68, Bolshevistskaya str., Saransk, Russia), Dr. Sci. (Philology), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


Literary interpretation of the epic book forms of Finno-Ugric peoples (‟Mastorava”, ‟Kalevala”, ‟Yugorno”, ‟Dorvyzhy” et al.) leads to the conclusions which can be used to study processes of intraethnic movement to of people to themselves by such sciences as ethnography, ethnopsychology, ethnophilosophy. The proposed concept of nature of ethnic consciousness reflection of the Finno-Ugric peoples of the Volga and Ural regions in book form epic XX–XXI centuries can be used as the basis for ethnofuturist research. It is evident that at the turn of Millenium occurs a reshuffle of primary figures in the world space, peoples change their positions, and it results in activation of their ethnic memory facilitating rethinking of the past, looking for evidence of its selectness, uniqueness of its culture, definiteness of its symbols related to a person. These circumstances encourage expanding the problem field of research is not only by the means of the profound objectivity of researches, but also by the means of actualization, reflection and search for new approaches to the already known materials. Life of the people is an encoded text, and its talented representatives can contribute to interpretation of it. They are creating the biography of the people, expressing themselves, and it being inscribed in macro-biography of peoples of the world, becoming one of storylines of the world history. Scientists explain the phenomenon of multiculturalism ascertaining its origin from differentiation based on ethnicity. Ethnicity is a stable society of people, historically rooted in a certain area, with common features and overall mentality, aware of its unity and difference from others. Psychological makeup of a people is originally recorded in folklore, and then is sublimated in the national literature.

Keywords: epos, “Mastorava”, national culture, mentality, Erzya folklore, character, ethnic renaissance, Finno-Ugric context 

For citation: Sharonova Ye. A. Fenomen natsionalnogo mentaliteta v epose “Mastorava” [Phenomenon of women national mentality in the “Mastorava” epos]. Vestnik Mordovskogo universiteta [Mordovia University Bulletin]. 2015, vol. 25, no. 3, P. 81–87. DOI: 10.15507/VMU.025.201503.081


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