Position: Head of the Experimental Clinic of the Laboratory of Bioactive Substances of Animal Origin, V. M. Gorbatov Federal Research Center of Food Systems, Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr.Sci. (Engr.), Professor (Moscow, Russian Federation).
Specialty: technology of meat, dairy, fish products and refrigeration; biotechnology of food and bioactive substances.
Researcher ID: L-8273-2016
Scopus ID: 56413013400
ORCID: 0000-0003-3573-930X
Russian Index of Science Citation ID: 646085
List of publications in Web of Science
Area of Scientific Interest:
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Область научных интересов: food systems, medical and biological research of the declared properties of food and bioactive substances, technology of bioactive proteins and peptides of animal origin, technology of food products for dietotherapy.
Contribution: More than 60 methods of experimental in vivo biomodelling of the most common human diseases have been adapted. The technologies of innovative food and feed products based on biologically active substances derived from various raw animal materials (immune organs, gastrointestinal tract, and tissue engineered meat) have been developed. Extensive work has been undertaken and biotechnological methods of obtaining and studying bioactive substances of animal origin in vitro and in vivo have been tested. The study of proteostasis in terms of formation and modification of bioactive protein compounds in the body of productive animals as a result of adaptive processes occurring in response to various external stimuli has been conducted.