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DOI: 10.15507/VMU.024.201403.195



K. M. Romanov.
(head of Social Psychology chair of History and Sociology Institute, Ogarev Mordovia State University (Saransk, Russia), Doktor Nauk degree holder in Psychological sciences, professor, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


The article considers the most important features of radical social groups. The author attributes asocial interests and goals of groups, deviant group sanctions, opposition, strategy of distancing itself from society, a destructive influence on the members of the complaint on the uniqueness and exclusiveness and high level of cohesion and organization, closeness to «strangers», group-centrism to the socio-psychological characteristics. The article presents psychological prescriptions for work with radical groups, their leaders and members. The strategies for refuting false arguments, raising the level of humanitarization of an education, searching General characteristics, comparing with other groups, decentralizing group positions, debunking the image of a leader, depreciating group norms, the security y for the members of radical groups who leave the group are described

Keywords: radical social group identity, destructive impact, group interests, group norms, group-centrism, group cohesion, reference.


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