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DOI: 10.15507/VMU.024.201403.103 



B. B. Bogoutdinov, V. Ya.Tsvetkov

Bogoutdinov Boris Borisovich, post-graduate student of Economy and Enterprise chair of Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (Russia, Moscow, 4 Gorohovskij Lane), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tsvetkov Viktor Yakovlevich, professor, Informatics and Informational Systems chair, Informational Technologies Faculty of Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (Moscow, Russia, 78 Vernadskogo avenue), Doctor of Science degree holder in Technical Sciences, Doctor of Science degree holder in Economical Sciences, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Modem investment policy includes radical innovations, one of which is disruptive innovation. The article reveals the subversive features of the implementation of innovative technologies in the management. The variants of the implementation of the innovation economics of the Russian market are considered. The author’s concept and structure of complementary resources for the implementation of innovative technologies is pointed out. The article also examines the connection between the output of transnational corporations with advanced technological base, new markets and improve national welfare of the country, as well as the implementation of policies to increase foreign direct and portfolio inveslments.

Keywords: innovation, investment, disruptive innovation, competitive strategy, complementary resources, multinational corporations.


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