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UDK 821.161.1“19”Довлатов                                                

DOI: 10.15507/VMU.025.201503.057




Baybatyrova Nailya Munirovna,
(associate professor of chair of Theory and History of Journalism, doctoral student of chair of Literature of Astrakhan State University (20 a, Tatishcheva str., Astrakhan, Russia), Ph. D. (Philology), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


The article is devoted to journalism and literary criticism of an author and «third wave» immigrant S. Dovlatov in the newspaper ‟New American”. Own information space has become an indicator of successful self-determination of former Soviet citizens in the United States. Periodical published in New York in the early 1980-ies and within two years was headed by S. Dovlatov. During his editorial activity popularity of the ‟New American” went beyond the Russian-speaking community. The author notes that the ‟New American” was not just a Russian newspaper for immigrants, but a kind of intellectual club. Successfully blended into the American literary context, S. Dovlatov remained exactly Russian writer, publisher and journalist. Analysis subjected to moral and aesthetic principles of journalistic prose writer-immigrant: realism, truth and deep psychology. Explores conceptual, thematic and stylistic features of journalistic and critical materials, columns of chiefeditor S. Dovlatov. Images and symbols of his articles, essays, interviews were accessible and understandable to everyone, and stories and songs journalistic texts differed refined simplicity, the language - accuracy, brevity, associations. The creative model of writer and journalist S. Dovlatov fit in a new direction, called «post-realism». Columns of editor gave a special tone to the entire weekly newspaper. He was able to present through humorous characters and images trivial stories of life in Soviet Russia and the United States. In general, for the «New American», headed by S. Dovlatov, were typical installation on the polemic, inviting audience to reflection, the desire to get away from didacticism and traditional literary styles and techniques.

Keywords: journalism, Russian abroad, Russian-language press, newspaper, “the third wave”, S. Dovlatov. 

For citation: Baybatyrova N. M. Publitsisticheskaya deyatelnost S. Dovlatova v gazete “Novyy amerikanets” [Journalistic activities of S. Dovlatov in the newspaper “The New American”]. Vestnik Mordovskogo universiteta [Mordovia University Bulletin]. 2015, vol. 25, no. 3, P. 57–65 DOI: 10.15507/VMU.025.201503.057


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