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doi: 10.15507/2658-4123.033.202302.219-236


Improving the Design of the Disc Harrow for Berry Plantations


Viktor N. Ozherelev
Dr.Sci. (Agric.), Professor of the Chair of Technical Systems in Agribusiness, Environmental Management and Road Construction, Bryansk State Agrarian University (2a Sovetskaya St., Kokino, Bryansk Oblast 243365, Russian Federation), ORCID: ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2121-3481, Researcher ID: AAD-8298-2022, Scopus ID: 57195608281, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Viktor V. Nikitin
Dr.Sci. (Engr.), Head of the Technical Service Chair, Bryansk State Agrarian University (2a Sovetskaya St., Kokino, Bryansk Oblast 243365, Russian Federation), ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1393-2731, Researcher ID: AAD-7368-2022, Scopus ID: 57201686117, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Introduction. Reducing the distance of throwing soil into the zone around bushes and maintaining a leveled surface between rows of berry crops are urgent scientific problems.
Aim of the Article. To identify the basic parameters for the interaction of a spherical disk with waterlogged soil and on this basis to develop the technical solution for reducing the distance of soil throwing away in space between rows of berry crops.
Materials and Methods. The object of research is an orchard disc harrow equipped with a protective shield mounted in front of the outermost disc of the tool front panel. The subject of the research is the process of interaction of the end disc of the front harrow plate with the waterlogged soil in berry plantations. The length of the protective shield and its spatial orientation were chosen as optimization parameters for field experiments. The quality evaluation of intertillage of the berry plantations was carried out by profiling their surfaces.
Results. Based on the results of theoretical studies, it was found that the angle of inclination of the protective shield in the horizontal plane should be within 53–54°, and with respect to the movement of the harrow – 50–58°. The results of field experiments have confirmed the theoretical conclusions. It has been established that only a protective shield, the length of which is 450 mm and the installation angle of 50°, allows completely eliminating the side throw of the soil beyond the width of the tool. In addition, these parameters ensure the stable operation of the disc tool in almost any soil moisture and weed infestation of space between berry bushes.
Discussion and Conclusion. The use of a modernized tillage tool made it possible to exclude the soil throwing into the bush zone to increase the speed of the unit by 25%.

Keywords: space between rows of berry crops, soil throwing, disc harrow, spherical disc, protective shield

Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Acknowledgements: The author expresses his gratitude to the anonymous reviewers whose objective comments contributed to the quality of the article.

For citation:Ozherelev V.N., Nikitin V.V. Improving the Design of the Disc Harrow for Berry Plantations . Engineering Technologies and Systems. 2023;33(2):219‒236. https:// doi.org/10.15507/2658-4123.033.202302.219-236

Authors contribution:
V. N. Ozherelev – scientific guidance; formulating the basic concept of research; general management of experimental research; conducting a critical analysis of the results and formulating conclusions.
V. V. Nikitin – analyzing literary data; preparing the original version of the text and finalizing the text; conducting experiments and processing their results.

All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

Submitted 27.02.2023; revised 11.04.2023;
accepted 21.04.2023



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