Position: Professor of the Chair of Technology and Equipment in Mechanical Engineering, Penza State University, Dr.Sci. (Engr.) (Penza, Russian Federation).

Specialty: mechanical engineering technology.

Researcher ID: R-2385-2018

Scopus ID: 6603685168

ORCID: 0000-0001-7156-9198

Russian Index of Science Citation ID: 437521

List of publications in Web of Science

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Area of Scientific Interest: machining of figurine parts with statically compacted fine grinding material, abrasive finishing of products of various configurations.

Contribution: V. A. Skryabin is a renowned expert in the field of machining parts with the use of free fine abrasive media for improving the quality indicators of the surfaces of parts and in the field of repair and modernization of technological equipment parts. V. A. Skryabin published 300 scientific articles in the journals from the VAK list, 8 monographs, has 10 copyright certificates and patents for inventions. He made a significant contribution to the development of methods of machining figurine parts with statically compacted fine grinding material and abrasive finishing of parts of various configurations. He has supervised 10 Cand.Sci. theses and one doctoral thesis on the study of the mentioned above materials.

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