

Position: Professor of the Chair of Industrial and Civil Engineering, Southwest State University (Kursk, Russian Federation); Professor of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Dresden University of Technology, Dr.Sc i. (Engr.) (Dresden, Germany).

Specialty: mechatronics and robotics, automation of technological processes and productions, power engineering.

Researcher ID: C-6712-2014

Scopus ID: 7005346094

ORCID: 0000-0003-4261-9840

Russian Index of Science Citation ID: 281778

List of publications in Web of Science

Contact information: 
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Area of Scientific Interest: mechanical engineering, robotics, industrial and civil engineering.

Contribution:  18 publications indexed in Web of Science database; 74 publications indexed in Scopus database, 195 publications included in the Russian Science Citation Index. Awards: Laureate of the Russian Federation Government Award in Science and Technology for the theory and practice of construction of energy-saving socially-oriented residential and public buildings with a given level of safety in small and medium-sized cities of Russia.

Additional Information:  Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, Honorary Builder of Russia, Honorary Professor of Chaoyang University of Technology (Taiwan), Ambassador of TU Munich (Germany).

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