
D.Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Head of Theoretical Physics Chair, National Research Mordovia State University (Russia, Saransk).


Phone: +7 (8342) 290587

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Date of birth: 19.08.1946

Chairman of Dissertation Council D 212.117.14, Chairman of regional branch of Nanotechnological Society of Russia.


1968 - Mordovia State University , Graduate Physicist 

1998 - Head of Theoretical Physics Chair

Research interests and publications: theoretical physics, physics of nanostructures, condensed matter physics; the author more than 160 scientific and educational works.

Awards: Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Moldova in the field of science and technology (1997), Soros Associate Professor (1997, 1998, 1999).

Additional information: Since 1997, the scientific supervisor of more than 10 projects carried out with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Universities of Russia Program, and the Development of the Higher School Scientific Potential Program. Doctoral advisor in 5 PhD theses.

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