UDC 631.3.06
DOI: 10.15507/0236-2910.027.201702.178-189
A linguistic approach to solving of the problem of technological adjustment of combines
Lyudmila V. Borisova
Head of the Chair of Management and Business Processes, Faculty of Business and Management, Don State Technical University (1 Gagarin Sq., Rostov-on-Don 344000, Russia), Dr.Sci. (Engineering), professor, ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6611-4594, borisovalv09@mail.ru
Valeriy P. Dimitrov
Dean of the Faculty of Instrument Engineering and Technical Regulation, Don State Technical University ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1439-1674, kaf-qm@donstu.ru
Introduction: The article deals with a linguistic approach to the technological adjustment of difficult harvesters in field conditions. The short characteristic of subject domain is provided. The place of the task of adjustment of the combine harvester working bodies in harvesting is considered. Various groups of signs of the considered task are allocated: external signs of violation of quality of work, regulated parameters of the machine, and parameters of technical condition. The numerical data characterizing interrelations between external signs and parameters of the machine are provided.
Materials and Methods: A combine harvester is the difficult dynamic system functioning under constantly changing external conditions. This fact imposes characteristics on the used methods of technological adjustment. Quantitative and qualitative information is used to control harvesting. Availability of different types of uncertainty in considering semantic spaces of factors of the external environment and parameters of the machine allows offering the method of technological adjustment based on an indistinct logical conclusion for the solution of the task.
Results: As the analysis result, the decision making methodology for indistinct environment conditions is adapted for the studied subject domain. The generalized scheme of indistinct management of process is offered to technological adjustment of the machine. Models of the studied semantic spaces are considered. Feasibility of use of deductive and inductive conclusions of decisions for various tasks of preliminary setup and adjustment of technological adjustments is shown. The formal and logical scheme of the decision making process based on indistinct expert knowledge is offered. The scheme includes the main stages of the task solution: fazzifikation, composition and defazzifikation. The question of the quantitative assessment of expert knowledge coordination is considered. The examples of the formulation of indistinct production rules, the knowledge base, and characteristics of an algorithm for adjusting of technological adjustments are given.
Discussion and Conclusions: The linguistic approach to a technological adjustment of machines provides adequacy of the description of real conditions of cleaning, accounting both quantitative information and heuristic data. The model of subject domain the basis for creation of the knowledge base and the mechanism for conclusing provides solutions of the intellectual system of decision support by the operator when the functioning of combines.
Keywords: technological adjustment of machine, indistinct expert knowledge, linguistic description, indistinct logical conclusion, fazzifikation, composition, defazzifikation
For citation: Borisova L. V., Dimitrov V. P. A linguistic approach to solving of the problem of technological adjustment of combines. Vestnik Mordovskogo universiteta = Mordovia University Bulletin. 2017; 2(27):178-189. DOI: 10.15507/0236-2910.027.201702.178-189
Contribution of the co-authors: L. Borisova: development of a method for constructing fuzzy logic inference as applied to the task of technological adjustment of a machine; V. Dimitrov: analysis of the subject domain, modeling of fuzzy expert knowledge, development of the knowledge base.
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