




Position: Professor of the Prof S.A. Lapshin Chair of Zootechnics, National Research Mordovia State University, Dr.Sci. (Agric.) (Saransk, Russian Federation).

Specialty: zootechnics.

Scopus ID: 56800902400

Russian Index of Science Citation ID: 416229

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Area of Scientific Interest: optimization of feeding highly productive animals and poultry with the use of digital technologies in developing resource-saving livestock and poultry product technologies; development of recipes of new-generation feed additives for the preparation of complete feed mixtures, studying their impact on metabolism and productivity of farm animals and poultry in the production of livestock products.

Contribution: There were published more than 400 scientific and educational works, including 2 reference books and 6 monographs. Yu. N. Prytkov is the Chairman of the Dissertation Council for defending doctoral and candidate dissertations in the specialties: “Feed production, feeding of farm animals and feed milling”, “Breeding, selection, genetics and reproduction of farm animals”.

Additional Information: Certificate of Merit by the Government of the Republic of Mordovia (2010), Certificate of Merit by the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia (2011), Certificate of Merit by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Mordovia (2016), Certificate of Merit by the Republic of Mordovia.