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DOI: 10.15507/VMU.025.201503.042



Sorokina Nina Konstantinovna
(professor of chair of General Physics of Ogarev Mordovia State University (68, Bolshevistskaya str., Saransk, Russia), Ph. D. (Phys.-Math.), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


In the present article the author considers the objective reasons of change and development of the theoretical maintenance of a course “General physics”, its methodologies in indissoluble communication with a technique of training of students, paying special attention to problem nature of teaching and knowledge of laws of physical phenomena. During an era of scientific and technical revolution the system of training of students at the higher school has to be allocated not simply with transfer of a certain scope of knowledge to them, but mainly “to teach them to study”. After all the knowledge gained in higher education institution isn’t still education top for the entire period of work of future professionals, they have to be independent to fill up their knowledge. Experience shows that the solution of this task is possible on the premises of substantial increase of level of teaching, educational, scientific and methodical work in the process of teaching a course of general physics using a problem method of training. Objective basis of this method of training is problematical character of substance of general physics course on its own, object of research of which is the physical form of movement of matter. Complexity and dynamism of the considered matter form in turn also determines the problem nature of process of cognition of physical phenomena laws. Taking this facts into account, the method of training can be effective only if technique of teaching and methodology of scientific research of physical processes is provided as a unity. Problem teaching reproduces research process in a peculiar form. Thus a teacher puts problems and solves them together with students. Lectures, classes in the process of solution of a task stop being similar to a monologue and get a form of a peculiar dialogue which is carried on with audience. Creative activity of students results from a problem statement and its solution. That is why the basis of problem training is an educational problem and a problem situation. The article has a significant practical value because it utilizes the concrete examples to convincingly explain the process of creation of a problem situation, which encourages students to digest new training material.

Keywords: methodology of scientific research of physical phenomena, educational problem, systematicity of concepts, level of a scientific technique of teaching course of the general physics, problem situation. 

For citation: Sorokina N. K. Problemnyy kharakter prepodavaniya kursa obshchey fiziki kak edinstvo metodiki obucheniya i metodologii nauchnogo issledovaniya [Problem nature of teaching of general physics course as unity of training methods and methodology of scientific research]. Vestnik Mordovskogo universiteta [Mordovia University Bulletin]. 2015, vol. 25, no. 3, P. 42–47. DOI: 10.15507/VMU.025.201503.042


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