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UDK 796.011:629.58-051                                                

DOI: 10.15507/VMU.025.201503.031



Pugachev Igor Yuryevich
(associate professor of chair of Physical Training of Military training and scientific center of the Navy “Naval Academy named Admiral N. G. Kuznetsov” (Navy VUN TS “WMA”) (17/1, Ushakovskaya str., St. Petersburg, Russia), Ph. D. (Pedagogy), This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


The article deals with job specification data of military population for modern types of nuclear powered submarines of Russian Federation. The author considers experience of the battle conditions, which requires an innovative approach to functions and intensity of physical exercises and physical load during the duty in a self-contained trip. The research has shown that physical load should in the first instance compensate a lack of motion activity, working capability support, active recreation and emotional harmonizing of psychophysical state, instead of fulfilling the training aims. If the exercises are possible under conditions of a campaign, it is reasonable to organize complex aerobic training with the load of 35-50% from maximal load with implementation of heterogenous exercises of coordinating kind. For example, variative physical actions of a catch-style wrestling match of three-minute duration with simplified rules (during a campaign the exercise was limited and was substituted by imitation is a match by analogy with “shadow-fighting”. The author have conducted a prolonged exploration of correlation between the type of physical exercises used by servicemen and average consecutive days of temporary incapacity for work of them in the course of an annual cycle of military service during the period after ending of a campaign. The experimental and the control groups, formed from teams of nuclear-powered submarines of “Borei” type, have shown the evident difference: the experimental groups gained the better results as compared to the groups who weren’t undergoing the updated program.The results of the forming pedagogic experiment have reflected the effectiveness of the newly developed innovative program of physical training of a submarine’s team.

Keywords: World ocean, nuclear-powered submarine’ team, complex physical training program, aerobic training mode, load. 

For citation: Pugachev I. Yu. Innovatsii fizicheskoy podgotovki ekipazhey atomnykh podvodnykh lodok [Innovations in physical training of a nuclear-powered submarine’s team]. Vestnik Mordovskogo universiteta [Mordovia University Bulletin]. 2015, vol. 25, no. 3, P. 31–41. DOI: 10.15507/VMU.025.201503.031


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